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VnmrJ2.2D Printing Guide:  Using Print Screen…

Printing Spectra using Print Screen…

This option allows you to create spectra like the following:


  1. Acquire a new spectrum and process it as usual or load spectrum from your account (see Process Guide for VnmrJ Handout for loading and processing).
  2. Add text to the spectrum:
    1. Click on View, then Frame.
    2. Click on Edit in the Text Area. A new window will pop-up.
    3. In the Text Editor window type your desired text, change text color, size and style. Click New to add the text to the spectrum.
    4. To move the text, left click and hold on the center of the text box to drag to desired position. If this doesn’t work, double click on the text and then click and drag to desired location.
    5. To edit the text, double click on the text, then right click and choose Edit Text. Modify text as desired and then click Update.
    6. To add another text box, double click on the text, then right click and choose Edit Text. Erase the current text and add new text, then click New. Move as desired.
    7. To delete a text box, double click on the text, then right click and choose Delete Text.
  3. Adding Insets (Expansions) to Spectra:
    1. Click on View, then Frame.
    2. In the inset area, click on the two page icon
    3. Click and drag to define inset area.
    4. To move the inset, hover over the edge of the inset until you see the four-way arrow, then click and drag to desired location.
    5. To change the size of the inset, hover over a corner of the inset until you see the two-way arrow, then click and drag to desired size.
    6. To increase the spectrum size in the inset, use the middle mouse button or type vs=vs*2 to double size. If integrals are defined, the middle mouse button controls the integral trace size. Changing the spectrum vertical scale is best done using vsadj or typing vs=vs*2.
    7. Adding integral values, peak picking, etc. to inset:
      1. Double-click on inset until you see the corners highlighted.
      2. Type the appropriate command to display the integrals (dpir), peaks (dpf, be sure to set the threshold first).
      3. To delete an inset:
        • To delete inset, double click on inset, then click on View, then Frame, and click Delete Inset.
  4. Printing Spectrum
    1. Close the Parameters window and any other window that reduces the size of the spectrum (e.g. the Frame or Viewport window).
    2. This is essentially a screen shot and only what is displayed is printed. This means that you need to make sure integrals, peak picking is displayed prior to printing.
    3. Click File, then Print Screen…
    4. Make sure that the Printer radio button is selected, Graphics is set to mono, Graphics Line Width is 1 pixel, and Printer Resolution is 150 dots per inch.
    5. Click Print to print spectrum.
  5. Creating a jpeg file:
    1. Make sure that the lower processing panel is minimized.
    2. Display spectrum as you want it saved (i.e. correct expansion, vertical scale, etc.).
    3. If wanted, display integrals, peaks, text, etc. on the spectrum by typing dpir, dpf, dtext, etc. Remember it will save the spectrum exactly as you see it.
    4. Click File => Print Screen…
    5. Click the File Radio Button. Click Browse… If you are not in your desired directory, click the up folder icon.
    6. Type in your desired filename in the File Name field.
    7. Choose JPEG for Image Format. Make sure that Graphics Line Width is 1 pixel.
    8. Click Save.
    9. Click Close.